User:Combat Shooter System6

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According to the scientific Combat Shooter System Review community, our sun is nearing the end of an eleven-year cycle. In the past few months, the sun has been quite active. Solar flares and magnetic storms have swept across the surface of the earth with little to no warnings from the scientific community. Solar flares have classes just like hurricanes and tornados. Class C flares can cause some communication interference and cause the aurora borealis to be brighter and more colorful. Class M flares disrupt communications including satellite feeds, telephones and cell phones. Class X flares can be very destructive shutting down computers and electrical grids. Unfortunately, scientists do not know much about the sun and it can affect the earth. Data is being collected from the sun through the use of space telescopes, un-manned exploration modules and larger more efficient computers that correlate the information collected. Eventually this data will help us understand how the sun can change the lives of those on earth.

Dormant volcanoes around the globe are becoming active. Although hidden from view, underwater volcanic activity has increased as well. The Pacific Ring of Fire, an area in the Pacific Ocean where the sub-oceanic crust is thin, has become more and more active. Yellowstone Park is located over one of the world's biggest magma chambers. The caldera at Yellowstone is big and the ground between the magma chamber and the surface is not very thick. Should the earth's crust become unstable, it is possible that the dormant volcano, that formed the Yellowstone caldera, will become active once again causing severe earth changes.

Hardly a day goes by without an earthquake being reported. Twenty to fifty years ago, earthquakes were a rarity and even then, they were minor. In the last year, the world has watched Haiti and Chili reel from the affects of unexpected earthquakes. The Chilean quake, which measured 8.8 on the Richter scale, actually moved a town ten feet. Haiti suffered massive devastation from an earthquake that occurred along a previously unknown fault line. Unless there is activity along them, many fault lines go undetected. Even a moderate earthquake in an area that is not expecting one will cause substantial devastation. Earthquakes are events that can change the shape of the earth forever.

Earthquake, volcanic eruptions and severe weather are all types of earth changes. Knowing how to take care of yourself during an emergency and having the supplies on hand to help get you through one will be invaluable.Where low voltage direct current is required dynamos are still used and make for excellent survival products. Hand cranked dynamos are used in dynamo flashlights, cell phone re-chargers, and other man powered equipment for recharging. It all started back in 1831 when Michael Faraday invented the first generator.