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Queens Park Rangers, whose extravagant spending has been the talk of the transfer window, are still locked in a pay-off dispute with former manager Mark Hughes, who was sacked last November. Hughes, who had 19 months left on a £3million-a-year contract, is taking QPR to a Premier League arbitration tribunal to resolve the issue. Fellow managers Martin O’Neill, Alan Curbishley and Kevin Keegan have gone down the same route to settle their severance monies. The process can take a number of months. Will Ian Woosnam open up on barmy 2006 Ryder Cup spat with current Team Europe captain Thomas Bjorn?

However the League Managers’ Association, who are advising Hughes, believe his should be a relatively straightforward case to adjudicate. Hughes is only looking to receive the £4.5m-plus left on his contract. But Hughes getting his money will mean yet another multi-million pound payout by Rangers, who spent more than £20m last month in an attempt to avoid relegation. The FA have used their 150 years of history condensed into 150 seconds showreel, complete with Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain’s excellent commentary, at successive anniversary functions. Bizarrely, 1966 World Cup-winning manager Sir Alf Ramsey receives no mention although Sven Goran Eriksson is deemed worthy of a namecheck even in the brief timeframe. Feeding the national team does not seem an exact science, judging by the England awards menu.

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They can confidently expect to double their sponsorship revenue with the added exposure there. The RFU have yet to decide where to build the national training centre recommended by the McGeechan-Keen report. But it would make far more economic sense to share facilities at football’s St George’s Park where scrum machines and rugby posts are in place for England’s Six Nations visit. England Rugby would have plenty of room on the 300-acre site. Such are the vacant spaces that talks were taking place on Monday about a golf academy. If Manchester United chief executive David Gill does not win a place on the UEFA executive committee at the May election it will not be for lack of trying. FA candidate Gill was entertaining the Belgian FA hierarchy at the England Awards. His Euro lobbying has been in full swing even before knowing the extent of his competition. Blow for QPR's survival hopes as £8m Remy faces TWO MONTHS on the sidelines with groin injury Start me up front and I'll blast away Brazil!

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